Challenges Facing Children Reintegration in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

Authors: Willice O. Abuya (Moi University, Kenya), Thomas G. Onsarigo (Catholic University, Kenya), Scholastic N. Adeli (Moi University, Kenya), Felix Ochieng (Kenya Medical Research Institute), Miriam Musyoka (SOS CV-Kenya, Eldoret) and Jeniffer Ogutu (SOS CV-Kenya, Eldoret)

Abstract: This study sought to establish challenges facing children reintegration in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. The study used a sequential mixed method approach. The population included reintegrated children and community members within the Uasin Gishu County. The sample included 32 respondents from Ainabkoi, 46 from Kapseret, 36 from Kesses, 42 from Moiben and 54 from Soy subcounties. Instruments for data collection were questionnaire Focus Group Discussion guide and an indepth interview guide. The quantitative data was analysed through descriptive statistics. Qualitative data was transcribed, categorized into themes and then analysed through content analysis approach. The study concludes that lack of prior reintegration visits and non-adherence to government guidelines on children reintegration inhibited warmer reception to the returning children. Culturalrelated challenges, settling in a new environment and protection and safety-related concerns existed as challenges but in low intensity. Some of the recommendations are that CCIs/CBOs be encouraged to follow the guidelines set out by the government of Kenya. Following the guidelines will guarantee meaningful participation of children, families and the community in the reintegration process. Finally, the Government of Kenyan should re-examine its social safety initiatives towards vulnerable households.

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