How to Submit a Manuscript

The manuscript should be submitted directly through to the Editor in Chief. The Editor in Chief will acknowledge receipt soon after the paper has been submitted. After preliminary review, the editor sends it to at least two blind reviewers. The author(s) has to incorporate suggestions given by the editors/ reviewers and submit final manuscript as soon as possible. 

Papers submitted for review process must not have been published or submitted to another journal for possible publication. Authors are encouraged to look for language experts to revise their manuscripts before submission to EAJESS.  

Review process is done blindly in that reviewers and editors hide their identity or use pseudo identities through track change system. The following are publication procedures:

  • The author(s) submits the manuscript through email address of the Editor in Chief who determines possibility for initial acceptance of the article before it is dispatched to two blind reviewers to read and give recommendations for acceptance or rejection of the journal article.  
  • Blind review repost is sent to the author for revisions based on recommendations given by reviewers and returns the revised manuscript to the Editor in Chief. Upon acceptance of revised manuscript, the author is prompted to pay publication fee. Thereafter, the manuscript is published and uploaded to the Journal’s website.