Authors: Faith Fidelis and Daniel Oduor Onyango, PhD (Saint Augustine University of Tanzania)
Abstract: This study sought to establish the availability of ICT facilities and teachers competence in the use of ICT among public secondary schools in Ngara, Tanzania. The study employed a mixed research approach in that interview schedule and questionnaire were employed as sources of data. The population of the study was 525 stakeholders from 31 secondary schools, including the DEO, the WEO, the Heads of schools, ICT manager and teachers. Simple random sampling and purposive sampling were used to determine the sample of 84 respondents from four randomly selected schools. Qualitative data was analyzed based on themes while quantitative data was analyzed descriptively. The study revealed that the schools faced non availability of ICT facilities and internet connection. They also faced limited electricity supply and limited funds for maintenance of facilities. Furthermore, a significant number of teachers did not have competence in any of the aspects of computer. Very few could use internet while another few had some competence in hardware and programming. Therefore, it was recommended that the government and other education stakeholders should organize for seminars and workshop for capacity building so that teachers may gain knowledge and competence in the use of ICT facilities. The Ministry of Education should allocate funds for buying ICT facilities and devices and for maintenances.