Influence of Information Culture on Records Management: A Review of Contemporary Literature

Author: Peter Samson Thomas (Institute of Accountancy Arusha, Tanzania)

Abstract: This study conducts a systematic literature review spanning from 1993 to 2024 to examine the pivotal role of information culture in shaping records management practices within organizations. Utilizing databases such as ScienceDirect and Emerald Insight, the researcher selected and analyzed 35 peer-reviewed articles to identify key themes, trends and gaps in the literature. The findings highlight that organizations fostering strong information cultures experience enhanced operational efficiency and decision-making through effective records management strategies, integrating technological advancements where appropriate. Global challenges persist, necessitating comprehensive strategies including improved training and modern systems. The study concludes with recommendations to cultivate robust information cultures, integrate technology judiciously, and promote continuous improvement in records management practices to meet evolving organizational needs and global standards.

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