Author: Samuel Robinson Moegi (Adventist University of Africa, Kenya)
Abstract: This study explored the church members’ perceptions of the Holy Communion within the Central Kenya Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This study utilized the descriptive research design to provide detailed accounts of participants’ perceptions and experiences related with the Holy Communion. The study used a sample of 300 out of 6700 baptized church members from sampled churches. Data was gathered using a structured questionnaire with closed-ended items. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics. Based on the findings, the study concludes that church members held a strong appreciation towards the spiritual significance of the Holy Communion. Proper management, clear communication and time management enhanced the believers’ perception toward the Lord’s Supper’s significance. Therefore the study recommends that local church pastors and leaders need to maintain proper management of the Lord’s’ Supper to enhance church members’ perception and increase participation rates.