Author: Mussa Ali Mussa, PhD (Regional Administrative Secretariat, Morogoro, Tanzania)
Abstract: This study investigated challenges facing the Ward community policing in Morogoro Rural District, Tanzania. The study used the explanatory design, sampling 100 subjects who filled a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics analyzed the data through mean score and standard deviation. Based on the results, the study concludes that the Ward community policing initiatives operate very well in the Morogoro Rural District. The community policing had sufficient resources in implementing their daily routines and there was effective communication between police officers and other stakeholders, including community members. Both the law enforcement team and member of the community possessed awareness of the importance of the Ward community policing. Furthermore, community cooperation supported the policing initiatives just as higher policy authorities supported the Ward community policing. Finally, the policy officers were disciplined and citizenship behavior prevailed among the community members. These conclusions imply that community policing is an effective way to maintain peace and harmony in Tanzanian communities.