Mothers’ Experiences in Taking Care of Schooling Children in the Context of Domestic Violence in Songwe Region, Tanzania

Authors: Simion Kaminyoge Ambakisye, PhD

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore the mothers’ experiences in taking care of schooling children in the context of domestic violence in Songwe Region, Tanzania. The study opted for qualitative approach using the interpretive phenomenological design with a sample of 30 interviewed participants obtained through snowball sampling. The findings show that physical violence against mothers in terms of slapping and punching with fists from husbands made mothers provide inadequate needs and services to children. The results further show that social cultural beliefs and norms that assign men to control the family properties and make decision on family issues are the major underlying root cause of violence against women including wives. It is therefore recommended that deliberate measures should be taken by the government through its respective ministry and NGOs to protect women including mothers against partner violence so as to create harmonious home environments where fathers and mothers should work together in providing essential needs for children.

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